Culture and Value

This text was originally published as a catalogue essay for Alternative Australian Currency by Oliver Hull at Seventh Gallery, Melbourne, VIC. 
The text also forms part of the An Event narrative. 

This is an experiment in finding the symbolic potency of objects.
Please answer the following questions in your own words.

1. Imagine a device like a microwave. You can put objects in this device and turn it on and the device will transmute the objects into twenty four carat gold. This device is mass produced and fairly ubiquitous. How would the world be changed by this device?

2. What is value? How is value significant? How does what you value differ to what your neighbour values? What are values?

3. Look at a beer can. How is it unique in relation to other objects like it? How is it similar?

4. If I told you that this can was used during nuclear experiments related to the effects of radiation on fluids, would your perception of beer can be altered? 

5. If I melt the beer can down and make a coin out of it is it more or less valuable? 

6. Draw a circle. This circle is a coin. What kind of pictures should go on the coin?

7. Find some mud. Is the mud of value? Take off your clothes and dive into the mud. Cover yourself in it. The mud changes you. Have you changed the mud?

8. Combine two of the following objects: a meat pie, a bottle cap, an onion, a pineapple ring, a thong, a bullet and/or a beetroot. Is the whole greater than the sum of its parts?

9. In what ways is a seagull like a crocodile?

10. Which is more valuable: a seagull or a crocodile?

11. If a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tornado on the other side of the world, what are the ramifications of nuclear warfare?

12. Explain how you understand the term “alchemy”.

13. Explain how you understand the term “Australian culture”.